Place-based Decarbonisation Strategies
Integrate industrial symbiosis into economic development and master planning to realise circular economy opportunities and net-zero targets.
Are you prioritising low-carbon development and green growth in your masterplans? International Synergies supports our economic development clients to incorporate circular economy principles in brownfield and greenfield developments.
International Synergies applies eco-industrial park (EIP) principles to make industrial development more competitive and attract new investment to the region or city, informed by the local context, and existing and planned industries. Applying EIP principles crucially helps to decarbonise industry, particularly through the hard to get at Scope 3 emissions, thus contributing to Net Zero emissions policies and targets.
Our recommendations derive from experience in 50 countries to identify resource and energy efficiency, waste management, industrial processes, and innovative ‘clean’-tech opportunities to support the transition towards net-zero.