TRIS Project presented on a global stage
The TRIS project was presented to the G7 members by Dr. Lee Davies, a representative from the UK government and the head of resource efficiency and circular economy strategy under the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The TRIS project was well received at the workshop as a prime example of regions coming together to promote industrial symbiosis and resource efficiency.
Resource efficiency workshop
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) organised a workshop under the G7-Alliance on Resource Efficiency – International Resource Recycling – in Japan on December 14 2016. The Group of Seven (G7) is a forum of the world’s seven most industrialized economies including, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom.
The G7 leaders agreed to establish a G7-Alliance on Resource Efficiency as a platform for member countries to share best practices in the field to promote a society with high resource efficiency. The main aim of the platform is to protect the environment, while promoting innovation and economic growth through the efficient utilisation of resources.