
Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme in Egypt

Country level intervention Provision Of Services to Identify Resource Efficient and Industrial Symbiosis Interventions, And to Provide Related Trainings, At Orascom Industrial Parks – Sokhna Complex in Egypt


Working alongside consultants, Chemonics Egypt, International Synergies Limited (ISL) have delivered industrial symbiosis training (including workshops) and capacity building to the Project. In a single workshop ISL helped companies from Orascom Industrial Parks identify over 180 potential industrial symbiosis synergies.

The aim

The Project builds upon UNIDO’s methodology and approach in developing the Eco-Industrial Parks (EIP) framework and context, as well as furthering Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) and Industrial Symbiosis (IS) practices.

The project works on both Industrial Park (IP) level and firm level covering EIP, RECP, and IS opportunities. While the project outcomes address both policies and regulations to mainstream EIP, as well as implementing RECP, and IS. Strong emphasis is placed on driving evidence-based policy recommendations.

The overall objective is to build capacity of industrial park management entity and resident companies of Orascom Industrial Parks-Sokhna and identify potential RECP interventions through rapid RECP assessments and IS interventions.

Orascom IP houses around 102 small, medium and large firms of which 35 firms are under operation, while the remaining are either under construction or in the commissioning phase. They include large, energy intensive international firms such as a cement plant, an oil refinery, as well as fertilizer, chemical and petrochemical producers. The key requirements for Orascom IP include: the expansion of income generating park management services for the firms; RECP assessments with the industrial firms; energy savings; renewable energy provision and reducing GHG emissions. Water reuse and solid waste management, including symbiosis opportunities between firms are also on the park’s management agenda.

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