RISERS-Working Groups for the Industrial Symbiosis roadmap

March 10, 2025 1 min read. Events

Industrial symbiosis is the use by one company or sector of underutilised resources broadly defined (including waste, by-products, residues, energy, water, logistics, capacity, expertise, equipment and materials) from another, with the result of keeping resources in productive use for longer. Industrial symbiosis enhances resource efficiency, reduces waste, and lowers environmental impacts. More on industrial symbiosis can be found here.

For mainstream uptake of industrial symbiosis solutions across sectors, standardized frameworks are essential to reduce the perceived risk of alternative substitutions through industrial symbiosis. An Industrial Symbiosis Standardization Roadmap to drive and guide the standardisation of industrial symbiosis in Europe is being developed by the project “RISERS – A Roadmap for Industrial Symbiosis Standardisation for Efficient Resource Sharing” (http://risers-project.eu), under the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme. The organisation of the roadmap is led by CEN and CENELEC together with DIN, the German standards organisation.

Who should attend?

RISERS  is seeking experts to inform the Roadmap through a series of working groups. International Synergies is organising 2 of these groups: on the End of Waste and on the basics of industrial symbiosis. We are seeking individuals with experience in industrial symbiosis, in standardisation, and/or End of Waste to contribute to these groups. Terms of Reference are outlined here: Working Groups.  Activities kick off 28 March with a virtual workshop, followed by two online half-day sessions in April-June to identify challenges and standardization needs.  Two plenary sessions (June and November 2025) will consolidate contributions for the roadmap.

How to register?

To register for participation in the Working Groups for the Industrial Symbiosis roadmap, please complete the following steps:

1. Register on DIN.ONE Platform.

2. Sign up for the Kick-Off Meeting on March 28th 2025.

3. You can already sign up for the preliminary Working Groups.

For further information, or if you would like to discuss any aspect of the RISERS working groups, please contact James Woodcock via [email protected]

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