A Practical Introduction to the Circular Economy

March 28, 2024 1 min read. News

In an increasingly competitive economic environment, with clients demanding that suppliers demonstrate how they are minimising their environmental impact, businesses are now wrestling with the challenge of how to keep costs under control, whilst managing their own path to net zero carbon emissions.

Circular Economy for Birmingham and Solihull (CEBAS) is a UKSPF-funded project whose aim is to provide FREE support to local businesses who want to become less impactful on the environment and save cost in the process. This two hour event, hosted by STEAMhouse and delivered by International Synergies Ltd (ISL), aims to give a practical introduction to the Circular Economy and Net Zero, with some helpful tips and case studies on zero and low cost opportunities that you can start using right in the here and now.

Topics covered include:

  • A brief introduction to Circular Economy and Net Zero principles
  • How to start your journey in reducing environmental impact and associated costs, including best practice examples on waste and energy management across a range of sectors
  • How to create a green office space
  • Opportunity to discuss your own business waste and identify options for its use in other organisations
  • CEBAS and other support, including grants, to assist you on the pathway to reducing your own carbon footprint

Sign up for this FREE event here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/859300981367?aff=oddtdtcreator or email CEBAS@international-synergies.com to find out more about how we can help you cut cost and carbon today.

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